The Gregorian in 1977


The Gregorian in 1977
This is a monthly newsletter of St. Gregory Church in Chicago titled "The Gregorian," dated July 17, 1977. The publication appears to be St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church's newsletter, based on the address listed at the bottom. The design is straightforward, with large, bold text and simple graphics.

At the top, a stylized scale symbolizes justice, accompanied by the phrase "Do justice and live in the presence of the Lord." Below this is a cartoon with two figures, one serving the other a bowl, captioned with a biblical reference to Martha and Mary, highlighting the choice of spiritual devotion over mundane tasks.

The middle section contains the title "THE GREGORIAN" in large block letters, with a text block beneath it referencing Martha as "just a housewife," alluding to her biblical story of hospitality and service, and noting that saints and sinners shared her dinners, with Jesus frequently visiting.

The bottom section includes a Christian message, "Christ is in you your hope of glory," superimposed on a large cross graphic, reinforcing the newsletter's religious content and inspiration.

The footer identifies the publication as belonging to "SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH," providing an address in Chicago, Illinois. This page exemplifies the church's outreach and communication with its congregation, using a blend of religious instruction, scriptural reference, and community building in a format typical of a monthly newsletter.
Razaq Anibaba
July 17, 1977
Item courtesy of the St. Gregory the Great archives housed in the rectory
A monthly newsletter of St. Gregory the Great Church, located in Fr. Klasen file cabinet
en Roman Catholic Church
en Andersonville