Picture of Ribbon Cutting at St. Ita Roman Catholic Church Picture of Pastor Reverend Richard Milek, Reverend Laurence Maddock, and Associate Pastor Alberto Rojas cutting the ribbon at Church of St. Ita before honored guests and benefactors.
St. Ita's 100th Anniversary Fundraising Appeal The brochure is from Fr. Laurence Maddock and calls for parishioners to give money to support St. Ita's restoration for the Cenntanianal Celebration. The brochure talks of a survey that took place earlier with the parishioners to see what parts of the church needed refurbishment. Three things that they plan to fix are installing an elevator and making the church wheelchair accessible, installing new washrooms, and redecorating the interior of the church.
Communication from Fr. Laurence Maddock to Jeff Weeks Communication between Fr. Laurence Maddok of St. Ita's Roman Catholic Church and Jeff Weeks of Cheetah Gym. In the communication, Fr. Laurence is asking for support for the 1.2 million dollar restoration that will take place over three years. Fr. Laurence invites Jeff to the Fall Gala fundraising event on September 23, 2000. Fr. Laurence is hoping the church will receive a membership to Cheetah Gym if he does so the Church will put his name on the bulletin board.
Email from Paul Foster to Jack Bess Paul Foster is emailing Jack Bess from Lermer Communications about his interest in St. Ita Centennial Campaign. Paul describes that the restoration costs $1,000,000 and that the celebration will take place on August 8th at 3:30 pm. Paul then lists some facts about St. Ita's like that it was established in 1900 and that the stained glass windows were imported from France. Paul ends the email with an anecdote about Father Crowe and the founding of St. Ita's.
List of Edgewater Businesses A list of Edgewater businesses. It lists the company's name, address, phone number, if they are a member of something, and the contact name.
Communication from Reverand Laurence F. Maddock to Commissioner Al Sanchez Written communication from Reverand Laurence F. Maddock of St. Ita Roman Catholic Church and Commissioner Al Sanchez of the Department of Streets and Sanitation. The communication is Reverand Laurence F. Maddock asking for permission to hand banners for St. Ita's Centennial Anniversary. The banners would be hung up on January 15, 2000, and St. Ita's has worked with the Chamber of Commerce of Edgewater, Uptown, and Clark Street so that there is no conflict about hanging the banners. St. Ita sent along the permit application along with a copy of the art of the banners.
Email to Folger's Flag and Decorating about Banner Order An email from Sheli Lulkin the executive director of the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce to Deb Folger of Folger's Flag and Decorating. The email is a reply sending a copy of the letter from the City of Chicago permitting the hanging of banners. The email details the directions of how the banners should hang. Some of the banners are being saved for the centennial celebration that St. Ita's is hosting while 6 or 7 of the banners are heading to the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce office.
Newspaper clipping about St. Ita's Renovation A newspaper clipping about St. Ita's plans for a $1 million renovation. Describes that the festivities will take place on Aug. 8 at 3:30pm. The newspaper then gives a description of the church's history on how it was named for a 6th century Irish nun and that the first mass was held on July 1, 1900. The article describes a past restoration that happened in 1975. The newspaper then ends describing what restoration is going to take place including making the church wheelchair accessible, repainting the inside, and refurbishing the organs.
Daniel Lagacy Oral History Daniel Lagacy is the director of music and liturgy coordinator for the Mary, Mother of God parish. He has worked at St. Ita for over 20 years and has continued his role into the merger. In this interview, we discussed his religious and musical career within the church, and how this has intersected with the Mary Mother of God merger. In addition, this interview gives an insight into community building within the church, and how the church’s history has impacted the merger. This interview is roughly an hour and twenty minutes long. It took place in person in the St. Ita Rectory. “The interview took place as part of the Gathering Places project at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. For more information, see https://uwm.edu/gatheringplaces.”
A Letter to the Parishioners of Saint Ita 1954 In this letter from Pastor Gerard C. Picard sent to parishioners, it discusses Saint Ita's plan to expand their school to make more room for the students. Within the letter, it states that the school expansion would cost around $700,000 and would hopefully be finished within 30 months. Since the school expansion had such a high cost, the letter asked for donations and promoted their Fundraising Drive to raise money.
Saint Ita School Fourth Grade Class 1968 This is an image of the Saint Ita School's fourth grade class, pictured in 1968. It was taken by Saint Ita School officials but was found on the "St. Ita Grammar School Chicago Alumni" Facebook group. St. Ita School is no longer in operation. St. Thomas of Canterbury School now resides in the building and is administered by Northside Catholic Academy.
Saint Ita School Graduating Class of 1959 Pictured here is the Saint Ita School graduating class of 1959, making this the 55th class to have graduated from this school since its opening in 1904. This image was taken by Saint Ita School officials, but was found on the "St. Ita Grammar School Chicago Alumni" Facebook group. St. Ita School is no longer in operation. St. Thomas of Canterbury School now resides in the building and is administered by Northside Catholic Academy.
The Saint Ita School Football Team 1967 Pictured is the Saint Ita Grammar School Football team that played during the school year in 1967. This image was taken by Saint Ita School officials, but was found on the "St. Ita Grammar School Chicago Alumni" Facebook group. St. Ita School is no longer in operation. St. Thomas of Canterbury School now resides in the building and is administered by Northside Catholic Academy.
The Saint Ita School Cheer Team 1975 This is an image of the Saint Ita School Cheer Team, pictured in 1975. This image was taken by Saint Ita School officials, but was found on the "St. Ita Grammar School Chicago Alumni" Facebook group. St. Ita School is no longer in operation. St. Thomas of Canterbury School now resides in the building and is administered by Northside Catholic Academy.
Eighth Annual Hardey-Ita Basketball Tournament Flyer The Saint Ita school had annual basketball tournaments against Hardey prep. The pamphlet was created by Saint Ita Parish, but was found on the "Saint Ita Grammar School Chicago Alumni" Facebook page. St. Ita School is no longer in operation. St. Thomas of Canterbury School now resides in the building and is administered by Northside Catholic Academy.
A General Edition of the The Chimes of Saint Ita Church In this edition of The Chimes, it gives parishioners Mass schedules in English and Spanish, as well as the Sunday, daily, and Holy Day Mass schedules. This bulletin also serves as a resource for the scheduling of Sacraments. Many years of this bulletin are missing from the collection, and the specific year of this one is unknown.
The Chimes of Saint Ita Church (1960s) For this edition of The Chimes, the Church features Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus, and Lucy. Many years of this bulletin are missing from the collection, and the specific year of this one is unknown.
The Chimes of Saint Ita Church, Thanksgiving Edition (1960s) In this edition of the Saint Ita Chimes, the church gives an insight to Thanksgiving prayer and invites parishioners to receive the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Many years of this bulletin are missing from the collection, and the specific year of this one is unknown.
Saint Ita Auction List in 1991 This auction list (1991), shows different items or events that parishioners were able to bid on at one of their auction and supper nights. Items include objects, such as a clock or a Sox jacket; experiences, such as movie tickets or a party; and certificates for various businesses.
Saint Ita 90 + 1 Auction/Supper Event A popular fundraising event that took place at Saint Ita's Parish was their auction and supper events, this one taking place on October 19, 1991 in the Jubilee Hall. At this 90 + 1 event, the evening started with a silent auction, then led to a buffet sponsored by Lady Ann Catering, and ended with a live auction.
Picture of Father Crowe Father Crowe was the founding reverend of St. Ita's church. He gathered 53 parishioner families and held the inaugural mass in the guild hall before the church even had its own frame building. During the ensuing frame building, Father Crowe established the convent that would run the school in the basement of the frame church. Eventually, the parish would grow so much that Father Crowe would plead the archdiocese to commission a church to be designed and built. This church was built in the French Gothic style and it is still standing over 100 years later.
Crowe unfortunately died after being struck as a pedestrian in a hit and run. This image memorializes him and his contributions to St. Ita.
Image of the outside of St. Ita This is a black-and-white image of St. Ita taken from the back of the building. The exact date of the image is unknown, but it is presumed to have been taken sometime in the 1950s.
Invitation for the 90th anniversary of St.Ita This is an image of an invitation card for St Ita's 90th anniversary dated October 13th, 1990. It states the itinerary for the event: a thanksgiving mass offered by Bishop Timothy Lyne at 4pm, followed by an open reception in the school, a birthday dinner at 6pm in the Jubilee hall, and finally, entertainment at 9pm.
Image of the Sanctuary of St Ita's This is an archived image of the Sanctuary of St Ita's Parish. The Sanctuary is the holiest place in the congregation.
Church of St. Ita Diamond Jubilee Flier This is a flier for St. Ita's Diamond Jubilee, dated October 12th, 1975. The bottom of the flier notes that it is a mass of Thanksgiving.